Despite our name, is also a leading audio transfers service, offering an exceptionally wide range of audio formats.  We can run audio to CD, MP3, computer or minidisc, just let us know your requirements. 

Recordings are generally made on our Tascam DR-100MKII and SS-R250N professional audio recorders, using a digital link for playback of digital audio formats (Minidisc, DAT, DCC, DTRS, ADAT, PCM-F1 etc.).

Reel to reel

Reel-to-reel audio domestic two-track and four-track (stereo or mono) tapes, up to 7" spools at both 3.75 and 7.5 inch/second speeds costing around £18 per hour (depending in complexity).  Lower speeds can also be handled where required too.  Now also available: Two-track and four-track recordings on spools of up to 10.5" with NAB centres and speed up to 15 inches per second, with our specially modified and fully serviced Ferrograph tape deck, costing around £22 per hour.

Ferrograph tape deck Ferrograph professional tape deck.

A domestic tape spool


MD minidisc to CD including LP2 and LP4 at £12 per hour.  Transfer to CD or computer will be carried out in a pure digital data stream for the best possible results.


Cassette (Compact Cassette) to CD or computer (including Dolby B and Dolby C recordings) at £12 - £18 per hour depending on complexity, utilising a three-head dual capstan cassette deck of outstanding performance.  Do can see my YouTube video of servicing one of my cassette decks.

Digital Compact Cassette DCC

Digital Compact Cassette DCC to CD or computer transfers now also available, starting at £16 per tape.  DCC was a digital audio format marketed by Philips from 1994 to 1996.  Despite excellent technical results, it was not a commercial success.  Transfer to CD or WAV files can be carried out in a pure digital data stream for the best possible results.

DCC cassettes

System DC International Cassette DCI

An extraordinarily rare audio format by Grundig from around 1965, these are larger than the more familiar Compact Cassette.  Tapes are typically marked Grundig Cassette DC90 or DC60.  Audio transfers from DCI cassettes are supported at £30 per tape.
See my YouTube video on this equipment.
DCI cassette

DAT (Digital Audio Tape)

DAT Digital Audio Tape (32k, 44k and 48kbit/s recordings).  DAT to CD or audio files at around £16 per tape depending on complexity.  Transfer will be carried out in a pure digital data stream for the best possible results.  If I am supplying WAV files, I can retain the 48kHz sample rate if your tapes are recorded in that format (superior to CD quality).  Our machines presently include a Sony DTC-690, PCM-7040 and a Tascam DA-30MKII, all of which have digital outputs for connection to our Tascam DR-100MKII and SS-R250N professional audio recorders.

Microcassette and Mini Cassette

Microcassettes are usually used as dictation machine / answerphone tapes, I can run Microcassette to CD or audio files at both 1.2 and 2.4 speeds.  I can also run Minicassette (Mini Cassette), usually these tapes are used in professional dictation equipment.  Both cost just £14 per hour, less in quantity.

Microcassette and Minicassette tapes.Microcassette (left) and Minicassette (right) tapes are very similar and often confused.

Philips EL3779 tapes for EL3582, EL3583, EL3585, EL3586 dictation machines

The Phlips EL3779 is a dictation machine format which used approximately cassette width tape in open reels.  Machines were made during the 1960s.  The tapes will not work in a normal quarter inch open reel player, they need to be played in their own exceptionally rare machine.  Cost is usually £30 per tape.
Philips E:3583

This Phlips EL3583 machine was featured in my YouTube video.

Audio tracks from video tapes

Audio tracks from any kind of video cassette can be transferred to CD or computer file.  This includes Hifi or linear audio tracks from VHS, Betamax etc., and camcorder tapes of all types. 

We can run PCM digital audio recordings of the PCM-F1 format (including PCM-501 and PCM-701) usually recorded on Betamax but may be any video cassette.  Very few transfer companies handle the PCM F1 format, and even fewer can accept both PAL and NTSC tapes.  Beta tapes are played on equipment which is specifically designed for use with these decoders, so have the PCM switch which disables the D.O.C circuit for best PCM performance.   The cost of PCM-F1 transfers is typically £25 for up to 80 minutes.  There is the option of a pure digital transfer of PCM-F1/501/701 tapes at just £6 extra per tape: very few audio transfer services have a pure digital transfer option available for this format.  Just email me with your requirements.

PCM digital audio If you see this kind of image on a screen when playing (usually) a Beta or Umatic video tape, then it is likely that you have a digital audio recording.  This one is the PCM-F1/501/701 format.

Also available is capability for PCM digital audio recordings made on the Sony EV-S800, EV-S900, EV-S700U, and Pioneer VE-D77, which could record up to 6 sets of digital stereo recordings on an 8mm video cassette in audio-only mode.  The cost for this is around £16 per hour, it's a very rare format.

8mm  tape

PCM 1610/PCM1630 digital audio recordings on Umatic are also available.  These are played back on the specially designed Sony DMR4000 Umatic player connected to PCM1630 decoder which supports RAR (read after read), to greatly reduce the chances of tape defects affecting the sound.  (Even so, tape condition is very critical to this format).  A lossless pure digital transfer with no D/A or A/D losses, utilising exceptionally rare digital audio format conversion equipment.  Pre-emphasis, where applicable, can be digitally handled with the Red Book de-emphasis curve, or this can be left for you to deal with if you prefer.  Costs £34 for one tape, discounts in quantity.
See our YouTube video on this format.
PCM1630 and DMR4000 kit

Hi8 tapes were used on a range of professional PCM 8-track recorders, including the Sony PCM-800, Tascam DA-88 and Tascam DA-98HR machines.  We have all three of these, so can support both 16 and 24 bit variants.  The format is known as DTRS (Digital Tape Recording System) but is sometimes just referred to as DA88.  For one-off tapes the cost is usually £30, falling to £25 for 10+ tapes.  They are supplied as four stereo WAV files to cover the 8 audio tracks, and are extracted from the equipment via a pure digital route.
8 track digital recordings on Hi8.

A competing format to the above was ADAT from Alesis, initially offering 16-bit then later 20-bit recordings on the ADAT type II format.  This format is also supported, with pure digital capture via the Alesis AI-1 interface.  16-bit recordings are supplied as 16-bit WAV files, whereas 20-bit recordings are supplied as 24-bit WAV files since that is the next higher bit depth supported by the Tascam SS-R250N.  Each tape is run up to four times in order to provide all eight channels as four stereo WAV files.  The format records on SVHS tapes which may be marked Ampex 489, Maxell Audio Pro or TDK ADAT Digital Audio Mastering.  For one-off tapes the cost is usually £32, falling to £25 for 10+ tapes. 
ADAT  player

We have done a set of  YouTube videos about PCM-F1 transfers.
For professional recordings, email me details.

8-track tapes

8-track cartridges were often sold as pre-recorded titles in the 1970's, but recorders also existed to allow recording onto blank tapes.  I can run 8-track tapes in stereo to CD with track splits.  Priced around £10 - £25 per tape (depending on quantity and complexity), I now have brand new 8-track equipment in to get the very best results.  Sometimes these tapes require special attention if they are snapped, have parts missing or disintegrated, or the tape pack is improperly wound.  There can be a small charge for this work but it's usually only about £5 - £10.

What I don't do

I don't generally run vinyl to CD transfers and at the moment don't know of any company that does this, sorry. 

Testimonials and social media.

We are listed on the independent Freeindex service, you can read and add to reviews there.  Most customers use that method for testimonials now.

We also have a collection of fascinating testimonials from some famous names, see the famous names testimonials page. 

Please also subscribe to our YouTube channel where you can see some of the work we do and fantastic equipment we have.  Some useful ones to start with include:
Replacing the motor on a Aiwa cassette deck
A tour of the studio
Review of Tascam SS-R250N audio recorder
PCM-F1 digital audio
See us on YouTube

Follow video99_co_uk on Twitter

We are listed on the independent Freeindex service, most of the newer reviews are on that site now.  Below are some of the older ones (2008-2016).

How to request an audio transfer.

To request an audio transfer,  please email me with your requirements and include your postal address.  Audio recordings require particular personal attention, just let me know of any requirements.  Usually I transfer to CD but options include transfer to computer file, minidisc tape and more.  We have an easy order page, just select what kind of tapes you have and supply your details.

Ideally can you ensure you send the tapes in a package which is sufficiently large and robust for me to use to send back your original tapes. Usually I will send the audio files or CDs to you ahead of returning your tapes, then when you've confirmed you are happy with the transfers, I will return your tapes. This way I can help you further if necessary - for example you can now see you want a different part of a tape transferred on its own or you want extra copies.  I recommend audio files rather than CDs, since they are easier to edit, share and back up, can be higher quality for some formats, and overcome the 80 minute limitation of CD.  For audio files I typically provide WAV files for easy editing, and if required, smaller MP3 files for easy uploading and sharing.

We do NOT run audio to a computer sound card because this is not the highest quality.  Instead we always transfer to professional quality Tascam digital audio recorders, to give you the very best sound quality.

Please read our Terms and Conditions, which form part of the agreement.

Back to the main page.

Also see the Questions and Answers (FAQ)

If you have any questions, just email me and I'll reply promptly.   Also see the Questions and Answers (FAQ)  All material on this web site is copyright and though trade marks remain with the manufacturers.

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